Sunday, May 18, 2008

Confessions of a Cyberaholic

I can’t believe this!

I wrote this nice initial blog entry and then hit ‘preview’ to edit, but when I hit the back button my work disappeared. So goes the saying, “User Error”.

Anyway, I’ve been wanting to start a blog for two years now, but wasn’t sure if what I had to say was relevant or should go down in digital history until now.

Pulling an all-nighter and choosing to work on my own project in lieu of commuting two hours to waste a beautiful Sunday working at my real job has actually caused more anxiety than it should have. Anxiety I haven’t felt since last year when I built my current Internet success, .

It’s a success in the fact that it’s up and running and works. It doesn’t matter if it’s profitable yet or not, because it will be soon enough. Stay tuned for more on the power of positive thinking, sacrifice, dedication, hard work, and efficient marketing, later on.

Then it hit me. Maybe my thoughts, road-blocks, complications, and advice relating to my current projects may not only help others who are pursuing the Internet dream of owning their own home-based business, but help me get through the frustration and stress it causes. A therapeutic sounding board.

What are my current projects? I’ll let my current mantra answer that, “Why join a social network when you can build one.” Or two. Both are social networks with names I can’t mention just yet. One is set to go live sometime soon and the other I’m writing a business plan for because I believe it has enormous potential.

Well, at the breakneck speed that technology is growing, I’d better get back to work or I’ll miss yet another Internet boat that has sailed off into the proverbial cyber horizon.

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