Friday, May 23, 2008

Unlock your mind.

Just a thought before I lay me down to sleep…

So many people are closed minded about many things and it’s not by choice. I believe this is a case of nurture and not nature, at least for the masses. So many people go about their lives, living day to day, avoiding any deviation to their normal routine, yet they talk and dream about greener pastures and never do anything about it. They talk about starting their own businesses and being their own bosses, but somehow they know – maybe subconsciously- they don’t have the fortitude to follow through.

Most of these dreamers lack certain necessary traits like desire and commitment. Followed by large quantities of sacrifice and hard work. Add these together, along with never quitting - even in the face of failure - will guarantee success at whatever desire is pursued. You have to risk failure in order to reach your goal. Embrace failure. Many entrepreneurs fail many times over before they perfect their system. It may not be an option, but it happens and you need to learn from it. Henry Ford said, “Failure is the opportunity to begin again, more intelligently.” He should know. He went bankrupt before he was a success.

Confidence is also a necessary ingredient. I don’t believe individuals are born with confidence. I believe it is learned. What is he talking about? Well, I am exhausted right now, so my explanation may not be as coherent as it should, so please bear with me.

If you don’t have these traits my advice is to start by unlocking your mind. Begin looking at commonplace objects and imagine other possibilities. As you take a walk and you pass a garbage can, don’t pass it by and think that’s just a garbage can. Think about other possibilities for that garbage can. You may end up coming up with the idea to mine the country's old landfills for precious metals, which was presented in the wonderful documentary, "Trashed". Create something that may lead to another idea. Draw a picture, snap a photograph, take a different way home from work or school, or write a story. You never know where it will lead you.

Several years ago, when I was traveling in Italy with an old friend, I saw several wild boars and ate wild boar stew wherever it was served. I became so fascinated with wild boars that I wrote a short story called, "The Cinghiale Man of Montegonzi" (Cinghiale is 'Wild Boar' in Italian). Basically, it’s a retelling of “American Werewolf in London” only that it takes place in Italy. My point is, not only do I have a fun story to keep my memory alive of that trip; I also have a story to share with others. Plus, that story has lead to two other ideas. One is a current design at Big Desk Tees.

And the other idea came about during a conversation with my friend who I traveled with on that trip. After he commented on the t-shirt I reminded him of the short story and he said that his young son always asks about the infamous Italian cinghiales he heard of over the years after that trip. My friend added that children’s books, with a little edge to them, were intriguing to young readers and that the short story may be a basis for a children’s graphic novel. He added that his mother, a retired English teacher, and his step-father, a retired art teacher, have been talking for years about doing a children’s book. And so the “The Cinghiale Man of Montegonzi” children’s graphic novel was born.

The point is, look at everything in a different light. Consider all possibilities no matter how crazy they may seem, and most important, open your eyes and dream big. Really big. Walk tall and carry an open mind.

And now I lay me down to sleep......Z Z Z Z Z z z z z z z

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