Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A message to those unwilling to embrace.

Be forewarned.

Like it or not, the technology revolution is here to stay and is multiplying just as Moore’s Law predicted it would decades ago…and if you don’t know what Moore’s Law is, then you’re behind already.

I know many Boomers and Gen X’ers who aren’t tech savvy and have no desire to become tech knowledgeable. The revolution has grown so fast that for many the ship has sailed. These rebels have some sort of resistance to learning either due to lack of time and devotion or, according to my theory, fear.

They are driven by fear. The fear of admitting not knowing. Not understanding something. Not understanding something that younger people do comprehend. The fear of realizing that a younger generation knows more about something in this world than they do. The industrial revolution lasted nearly two hundred years, but look what’s happened in just the last thirty years: the personal computer, the Internet, wireless technology, etc.

The later Gen X’ers and the Gen Y’s grew up only knowing a world with computers. I didn’t even touch a computer until I was eighteen. Unfortunately, I didn’t find them as fascinating as I do now, but fortunately, several years ago I realized that I had that fear inside me and have embraced technology and am working harder than ever not to be left …home alone.

You can fight it. You can resist it. You can even disagree with it, however you want to deny it, but in order to function, contribute, and survive in this society ten years or even five years from now, a firm knowledge base with an ongoing education plan in place are mandatory.

Note: The information in this blog submission was already out of date by the time it was published.

Baby Boomers born: 1946-1964
Generation X born: 1965-1984
Generation Y born: 1985-2002
Generation I born: 2003-?

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